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Gas Installations - Gas Safe Approved

Blue Sky Building Solutions: for people who want a more energy efficient property but don’t know where to start

Gas Boilers and Central heating. Over 4 million homes in the UK are running on inefficient gas boilers.

They are literally burning money and throwing it away. All new boilers installed by Blue Sky Building Solutions are A Rated which means they are over 90% efficient.

If you change a band G rated boiler for a band A boiler you could make up to 30% energy savings over the course of the year.

At Blue Sky Building Solutions we only install A rated boilers.

The Government's Boiler Scrappage Scheme - Click Here

As well as getting the right boiler, it is essential to set up your central heating system with the right controls to ensure that it is working as efficiently as possible. This way even bigger savings on your energy bills will be achieved.

Renewable energy and Gas. Some modern boilers can be used in conjunction with renewable energy systems if installed and set up by an expert.

An entirely new central heating system that makes use of efficient heat emitters, thermal stores and solar or heat pump technology can reduce your gas consumption by over 70%.

Combined Heat and Power. There are now gas boilers that can produce electricity whilst they are heating.

This is a relatively new technology for domestic applications, but is becoming increasingly popular on the continent. There are systems available in the UK.

Prepare for the future. It could pay now, if you are installing a new boiler, to future proof your property. A new central heating boiler and system is an expensive investment, so why not plan for the future by installing a system that is compatible with solar or heat pump technology.

This will ensure that you are ready to make the change from Natural Gas to renewable technology when the time is right for you.

The Problem with Gas - Click Here

We Install & Service the following Appliances :




Water Heaters

Owl Energy Monitor

Blue Sky Building Solutions provide expert surveys for individual systems or whole buildings to ensure that any system is appropriate for a property and, if so, correctly specified and sited.

If required, as qualified installers, Blue Sky Building Solutions will see any project through from the initial enquiry, survey, design and installation to commissioning.

To Contact Blue Sky Building Solutions - Click Here

Ecodan Registered
Mitsubishi Registered
GasSafe Registered
City & Guilds Accredited
BPEC Registered